Thanks to everyone who sent us questions regarding Riverfest! We know that there are probably many, many more questions out there and we would love to hear them and answer them for you!
Our lovely WFI President/CEO, Janet Wright, was given five questions to answer ... and here are her responses:
Question: Why do I have to buy a button to attend Riverfest when I pay taxes?
Answer: Good question! Riverfest isn’t funded by the City of Wichita. Wichita Festivals is an independent non-profit organization. We rely on corporate sponsorships, charitable contributions, button and food sales to pay for Riverfest. We receive a grant from the City to help off-set costs and they provide help through the Park and Public Works Departments, but they don’t fund the Festival.
Question: I have a great idea for an event at Riverfest. Who do I need to talk to about putting this in place?
Answer: We love new ideas! Check out our web site at or click here for information on how to propose a new event. Or, if you’d like to talk to someone for more information call our office at 267-2817 and ask to speak to Kathryn Ewing, Director of Events. She’d love to hear your idea!
Question: Why is Riverfest held at the beginning of May? I’ve heard a lot of people complain about the timing… I just assumed that it was a ‘tradition’ to have it then.
Answer: Yes, the timing of Riverfest is primarily tradition. It’s always been Wichita’s celebration of spring. We’ve checked into having it in June thinking the weather might be better, but records show we have as much rain in June as in May, so there appears to be no ideal time. We may consider moving it to later in the month of May for 2011, but nothing is confirmed at this time.
Question: Can you please get a big-name entertainer to Riverfest?!
Answer: We’ve had several big-name entertainers recently, Daughtry and Nick Lachey to name a couple. But in terms of even bigger “stars” their fees can range from $150,000 to $500,000 depending on the person. Unfortunately that’s just not in our budget at this time.
Question: I’m 25 and have lived in Wichita for the past three years, but have yet to go to Riverfest. Is there anything for people my age to do or anyway to get involved?
Answer: (Answered by the 26-year-old staffer!) I, also, have only lived in Wichita for a few years. When I first learned of Riverfest, I was told about the concerts and the food... which is wonderful! After having worked the Festival, I have learned there are plenty of things for someone your age to enjoy. If you are active, try participating in Plunge or the Dodge Ball tournament and win some money! If you like to sit back and relax, find a spot in Downtown Wichita on First Friday and watch the parade, bring a chair down and go to the concerts at West Bank Stage and Kennedy Plaza or just come and people watch! And the food and drinks are always great... If you want to become more directly involved, think about volunteering or being on a Riverfest committee. There is also Festival Crew, which is a way for individuals to support Wichita Festivals and Riverfest while also enjoying special benefits such as backstage passes to the concerts, special seating at the parade, VIP chalet passes to West Bank and Kennedy Plaza concerts, etc.
Hope this satisfies your curiousity for now! Again, if you ever have any questions, feel free to call our office at 267-2817 or contact any of the staff and we'll be sure to find the answers for you!
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